Equestrian Victoria became creative this year in using online interviews and presentations to make sure our up-and-coming riders were recognised in the annual Young Ambassadors of the Year awards.
In 1987, Fran and Reg Cleland, John Vallance and Vicki Laurie created the Young Ambassador award to unite the disciplines and recognise outstanding individuals in the sport. Since then, this award has developed and been organised by Equestrian Victoria and intended to recognise riders who contribute to their discipline beyond their own competition results, demonstrate outstanding sportsmanship, camaraderie and leadership. Despite Covid-19, Equestrian Victoria persisted and adapted to ensure this program could continue to run this year.
Young riders aged between 16 and 21 (or 14-21 for show horse) were invited to complete an application inquiring about everything from competition results to what changes they believe would be fruitful for their discipline. The selector panel would then review and select the top 10 who, in a non-covid-19 year, would be invited to a training weekend at Werribee Park. These weekends included a variety of activities from ridden lessons to seminars and speeches, as well as the opportunity for the top 10 finalists from each discipline to get to know each other better. The top three were selected from this weekend and were then interviewed by the selection panel to determine the winner.
This year, the top 1O finalists for all disciplines were treated to online presentations about what it is to be a professional athlete, about equine nutrition, perfecting your “polished look” and play ‘Kahoot!’ games. Separately, each discipline was given tasks including questions from their selectors to answer over Zoom, a round-table discussion about current topics within the discipline and the submission of a training video including strengths, and a video identifying their weaknesses. These sessions led to the selection of the final three and the overall winners in each discipline. All selectors remarked that the standard of the applicants in the top 10 were exceptional!
The winning recipients were Dana Krause (dressage); Edward Darby (eventing); Georgia Hodgetts (show jumping); and Charlotte Oberin (show horse).
One of the questions on the application form asked riders to explain what initiative they would like to see implemented in their sport. We asked the winners of each discipline to expand on their answers.
I have been riding for the past 10 years and have trained my own horse to FEI. I am also an EA accredited judge and am completing a double degree at Monash University in Science and Arts, majoring in Genetics.
What did you enjoy about the program?
[Eventer] Sam Cesnik’s presentation was definitely a highlight. The way she has created her business and her standard of professionalism was inspiring. However, thanks to the work of Equestrian Victoria and the support of the sponsors, all the activities, particularly the discussions and speeches, made lockdown much more enjoyable and was a great way to share ideas with likeminded individuals across all disciplines.
What would you like to help contribute to your discipline?
Judges are vital to our sport and yet their numbers are dwindling. I would like to see more young riders training to become judges. This would not only support the sport but also provide young riders with a greater depth of knowledge that they can use to develop their training at home.
As an ambassador, how do you believe you could achieve this?
With Equestrian Victoria’s support I would like to reach out to the Young Rider Squad and discuss what my experience was becoming a judge and help them along their journey. Personally, I found the experience a bit daunting, however, the benefits of receiving the judge’s training has positively influenced my training, my understanding of the competition environment and what the judges are looking for. I believe having another young rider to be able to ask questions of would make it less intimidating for riders to get started on their journey to becoming a judge.
“I can see the opportunity to organise
course walks for younger riders.”
I am 20 years old and come from 100 acres in Arthurs Creek, Victoria. I come from a very horsey family and ride alongside my mother and two younger sisters. I currently have three horses in work and when not busy riding or doing other jobs around the farm I can be found tinkering with two-stroke engines. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Science at Melbourne University, majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
What did you enjoy about the program?
I most enjoyed the opportunity that the 2021 Young Rider Ambassador Program gave me to interact and engage with other like-minded riders, not just from eventing but from other disciplines. I found this a highlight due to the lack of social interaction with other riders that we would often see almost every weekend due to Covid lockdowns. I also really enjoyed the educational opportunities provided and felt that they gave me something to work on with my riding and equestrian pursuits in general.
What would you like to help contribute to your discipline?
I would like to increase the level of horsemastership among riders, particularly young riders. I believe that this would be an effective way to improve the level of horse interaction that is seen across all disciplines. I feel that this sort of education is getting missed at a grass roots level and as such should be a key focus in programs such as Pony Club and Young Rider Squads. I would also like to see more opportunities available for younger riders that have meaningful pathways to higher levels of competitions and riding at an elite, professional or international level.
As an ambassador, how do you believe you could achieve this?
As an ambassador I believe that I could achieve this by helping to implement programs to assist younger riders of all skill levels. In particular, I can see the opportunity to organise course walks for younger riders run by more experienced riders, coaches or even course designers. These course walks should be utilised by young riders as they step up through the levels and come across more complicated and technical obstacles, particularly on cross country.
I am 21 years old. I have been showjumping since I was 16 and have had the bug ever since.
What did you enjoy about the program?
The thing I enjoyed most about the program was when we had the first Zoom meeting and played a ‘Kahoot!’ at the end and we split into little groups with a rider from each discipline. It was my favourite as I got to meet people I hadn’t before and learnt about not just their riding lives but their everyday life.
What would you like to help contribute to your discipline?
I would like to encourage riders and families in and around my area to participate in travelling to shows around the state.
As an ambassador, how do you believe you could achieve this?
Participating in the education of young riders through Pony Clubs etc is a way to achieve this. I can share my experience of weekends away to competitions and clinics, the skills and knowledge I have gained through the friendships I have formed, and the fun memories created along the way.
“I love working with young horses and taking
them from breakers to super child’s ponies.”
I’m 20 years old and am based out of the Yarra Valley in Victoria. I am currently working with horses full-time and am looking forward to bringing out my newcomers this season. I love working with young horses and taking them from breakers to super child’s ponies. I am very proud to represent Equestrian Victoria as the Young Ambassador of the Year for 2021.
What did you enjoy about the program?
The finalists were very lucky to have great sponsors as well as devoted organisers at Equestrian Victoria that held informative seminars for us, presented by professional riders, business owners and polished look specialists. I loved listening to the speakers and definitely took away lots of great ideas, which I will implement in the future.
What would you like to help contribute to your discipline?
I find it really important that riders have the resources to not just feel included but be educated. Creating more ways for riders and spectators to be involved in the sport creates a more transparent and forward-thinking community. I am hoping to push Equestrian Victoria to think outside the box to keep evolving with the show horse community, as well as providing a positive environment.
I’m hoping to help impact the future of our sport.
As an ambassador, how do you believe you could achieve this?
I believe with the help of Equestrian Victoria we could create more inclusivity. We have so many knowledgeable and talented riders and trainers in our sport that we need to utilise. I would love to help implement rider squads for the show horse discipline to bring riders of different ages and knowledges together to help educate and inspire our up-and-coming competitors. Creating educational seminars and riding groups to give competitors a platform to voice their opinions and concerns also. I would love to see a positive showing environment where all levels are able to enjoy.
It is a credit to the tireless work of Equestrian Victoria, the selectors, and the support of the sponsors that an award such as this can continue to run. For those who are interested in applying next year, be sure to keep an eye on Equestrian Victoria’s website as well as the Equestrian Victoria Young Ambassador Facebook page. It is an excellent program and all who are lucky enough to partake in it will come out with new knowledge and a greater understanding of the sport. EQ
Sally Simmonds Keeps a Level Head – Equestrian Life, July, 2021
A Young Rider Seizes the Moment – Equestrian Life, April, 2021